The Calming Method

Best for: Anxiety Relief

This effective breathing technique for anxiety works wonders. The good thing is, that by focusing on your breathing for the 90-seconds it takes to complete it, you’ll be removing the focus from your anxious thoughts.

Taking the attention away from your anxiety or panic attacks key is key to stopping them.

Practicing this exercise daily will help teach your brain to rely on this breathwork pattern when anxiety hits. It is hard to think clearly when having a panic or anxiety attack.

Technique Instructions:

  • Find a comfortable place to sit.

  • Softly close your eyes.

  • Take a long, deep breath through your nose.

  • Exhale slowly through your mouth, and silently repeat the word “relax” either in your head.

  • Repeat this process for a total of 10 breaths. 

  • On the 11th breath, begin to exhale slowly, counting down from 10 in your head. As you exhale, relax your forehead, jaw, shoulders, and stomach. Visualize all your stress and tension escaping your mind and body with each exhale.

  • As you reach 1, open your eyes and bring your attention back to your surroundings. 

Repeat this process as many times as needed. Once or twice is usually plenty for a nice reset.


Double Exhale


Box Breathing