Breathe Well.
Sleep Well. Live Well.

At BreatheWell, we believe that breathing is one of the most vital human needs and the quality of our breathing impacts all areas of our lives. We are committed to sharing our knowledge of breathing and experience of improving our breathing with others in the hope they will experience more restful sleep and improved health.

The BreatheWell Story

We are a small partnership committed to improving health and well-being through nasal breathing. We enjoy spending time with our families and being outdoors enjoying nature. We love yoga, our community, and sharing our simple yet profound solution to nasal breathing, good sleep, and better health with others.

The Beginning
My Sleep Problem

For most of my life I struggled with being a restless sleeper; tossing and turning, getting up throughout the night. I was lucky to have a decent night’s sleep once a week. I was chronically irritable, struggled with concentration and the energy to get through the day, let alone enjoy life.

I spent a number of years experimenting with different sleep aids and still was only getting two to three nights a week of decent sleep. I kept slogging through life.

The Work
Building the Breath

As a yoga practitioner, over the years I became familiar with different types of breath work, but did not give them too much thought off my mat. When I started having stress related health problems, I noticed that I had a tendency to hold my breath during stressful situations. That was the beginning of my journey in understanding how my breath is an indicator of stress in my body and how my breathing can actually induce stress. 

Over time, I learned to use my breath as a tool to help me cope with stress, however, my sleep problems continued. I did not have any awareness that when I slept, I was mouth breathing and causing stress and harm to my sleep. A huge breakthrough in my sleep came after  I came across a book entitled Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art, by James Nestor, I read it immediately.  Nestor provides an overview of human evolution through the lens of the breath and discusses experiments regarding the effects of taping the mouth shut while sleeping.

The Solution
Simple, Yet Profound

I began to experiment with taping my mouth shut when I went to sleep, and the depth and quality of my sleep began to improve immediately. 

I tried a variety of tapes; some felt too heavy on my skin, some were too sticky or irritated my skin. The whole process was messy and inconvenient. I wished that there was something simple, similar to how stamps work, that I could just pull off and apply. I could not find what I wanted in the marketplace, so I made them.

That is how BreatheWell’s Mouth Tape came to be. We hope that you will find the same benefits that we have in using our mouth tape.

— Vicki, Co-Founder of BreatheWell

Additional Information

The concept of mouth taping raises many questions, and we have answers! Whether you are curious about the benefits, the science behind mouth tape, the logistics of drinking water, or if it’s possible to use mouth tape with a beard, we are ready to guide you through the process.

Breathe with us on Instagram @breathewellmouthtape