50 Breaths Method

Best for: Boosting Energy, Serotonin and Dopamine

A lack of mental or physical energy is one of the most challenging dynamics of modern life. One of the many reasons why coffee and stimulants are so prevalent.

This technique combines physical exercise with breathing. After the initial breathwork session, an increase in dopamine and serotonin in the brain is achieved. When the exercise component is added, it kickstarts the central nervous system. 

Sample Exercises: push-ups/modified push-ups, crunches or sit-ups

Technique Instructions:

  • This technique is best practiced seated or lying down.

  • Take a large inhalation through your mouth. 

  • Release the breath through your mouth without any force. 

  • Release no more than 70%-80% of the breath before taking the next inhalation. Using this technique count in your head up to 50 breaths. 

  • On the 50th breath, inhale your lungs full of air and hold your breath. Count in your mind, or time yourself up to 60 seconds. If you can’t hold your breath for this length, just continue the breath hold for as long as you can.

  • Begin breathing again, repeating steps 1 - 4.

  • On the second round, at the 45th breath start to get into position for your exercise. (i.e. if you are doing push-ups you can get into push-up position by laying on your belly with arms braced against the ground). 

  • On the 50th breath, inhale your lungs full of air and hold your breath. 

  • Begin your exercise and do as many reps as you can maintaining the single breath-hold. 

  • When you feel the urge to breathe, relax and let the breath out. As you get more practiced at this, you may feel more comfortable pushing yourself, and finding new limits.


Nadi Shodhana

